
We work with 100s of communities across Australia on their top priorities, providing community development expertise and access to cross-industry specialised skills.


Our approach

to working with First Nations communities is based on self-determination


the True Value of First Nations’ Community-Based Enterprises


More than economic growth. It's intergenerational. Revitalising culture. Drawing on Wise and land-based practices.

Our latest research paper is now available!

We recently presented an online event, New Research: The True Value of First Nations’ Enterprises. The panel of First Nations business owners shared their personal insights into how their businesses bring opportunities to communities.

If you missed our online event, you can watch it here.


fundraising appeal

Our End of Year Fundraising Appeal is underway! It shares the story of Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa and the remote community of Punmu in Western Australia, who are working to improve outcomes for Martu women and families.

We were invited to collaborate on a series of engaging creative arts activities to build connections, strengthen relationships, and empower Martu women and caregivers.

Learn more about our partnership and join us in creating a lasting impact.



First Nations Traffic Management

Create employment opportunities for First Nations people with a unique two-way approach.

Support we provided:
Tender writing and development support.

Wandarrah Preschool & Community Centre

An early childhood hub focusing on cultural education.

Support we provided:
Developing a strategic plan.

Murri’s on the Move

Supports their mob to get their learners and full provisional driving licence.

Support we provided:
Strengthen their governance, admin, and financial capabilities.

Yurrampi Child and Family Centre

To support families to ‘grow children up strong’.

Support we provided:

Brand development.

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 What communities are saying


Latest Stories


Closing the Gap

We have and continue to contribute to the
National Agreement on Closing the Gap.

There is a strong alignment between our Story of Change outcomes areas and the Closing the Gap socio-economic outcomes areas.

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see our Community Development Framework!

This guide brings together over 20 years of experience and practical guidance on developing strong and productive partnerships with First Nations’ organisations, businesses and communities.    

Register your interest for workshops and training here.


“The legacy and reputation of Community First Development is a critical feature of the organisation’s overall effectiveness.”

-ACIL Allen’s Social and Economic
Third Party Impact Assessment

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