Tania worked with the Kalkarinji School in the Northern Territory to produce a video about the importance of school attendance.
For the first time in many years, we have a staff member located in Darwin. We are thrilled to share that our experienced senior Community Development Officer, Tania, has relocated to Darwin to reconnect with our past and present volunteers in the area.
Tania’s initial plan is about bringing our presence back in the top end of the Northern Territory by reconnecting with contacts and rebuilding relationships. Over the next few years, through Tania’s work in the local area, we look forward to seeing more communities leading the way, becoming more self-determined and initiating their own projects. Thank you for your support to help make this happen!
“It’s my third year working with Community First Development. I’ve always liked that our organisation isn’t all about money…it is sincere when working with communities. And now, I’m excited to connect with and learn about the interests and skills of our volunteers in the top end,” Tania, Senior Community Development Officer, now based in Darwin.