Connecting to culture through radio - Ngaarda Media
The power of radio storytelling and art to bring communities together.
Ngaarda Media presents Aboriginal culture in a meaningful way to allow people to experience the beauty of culture through radio, photography and videography. It’s a platform for people across the Pilbara to tell their stories and connect with culture. They feature presenters from the local Indigenous community and other nationalities with ages ranging from primary school children to Elders, plus they also host a weekly prison program.
A year ago, Ngaarda Media reached out to Community First Development (formerly ICV) to work on a new strategic plan to build the capacity of their radio station in Roebourne, Western Australia. Community First Development volunteer, Peter, met with Ngaarda Media’s content manager, Tangiora, and the Board to work on the new strategic plan for the organisation. The plan paved the way for Ngaarda Media to train five different Pilbara language groups as representatives in communities across the Pilbara. This takes a huge workload off the small team from travelling long distances to attend events and produce stories.
Finalising the strategic plan also prepared Ngaarda Media to make funding applications to build a new studio. As an integral part of this, Community First Development volunteer, Andre, completed the scope of works project for the studio build. A revamped studio will put the station in a better position to train Aboriginal people in media-related roles through hands-on experience with modern equipment.
The ambition is certainly there - Ngaarda Media just needed the support to access resources. That’s why we’re excited to tell you that Ngaarda Media Radio Station has been approved for their funding application with Lotterywest! That means they’ll receive a grant to cover the costs of a complete studio renovation including an electric studio table to allow presenters to stand or sit when producing their programs.
The renovations will kick off in the next few months (with Andre continuing to assist with the building) and we look forward to updating you with the progress! Thank you for generously supporting Community First Development to make community projects like these possible.
“The strategic plan has been extremely useful keeping us on track and we refer to it constantly at Board meetings”