First Nations solutions for First Nation challenges
There is opportunity for First Nations communities to share their skills, capabilities and knowledge with other First Nations Communities around the globe, to create practices and/or products that solve local challenges. Community First Development facilitates and supports First Nations communities coming together to solve First Nations challenges. We provide a framework to manage, administer and measure the impact of the program, forming partnerships when necessary to bring knowledge to the program process.
There are 5 basic steps Community First Development utilises toward creating connections between communities to turn disadvantage into opportunity.
First Nations community need is identified.
In partnership develop a program to answer the challenge within the need.
By invitation, connect relevant communities to each other and design a solution.
Implement tailored support for communities as they follow the program to develop practice or product solutions.
Monitor the impact, celebrate and report on our achievements together.
A current need example of how the idea might work with a program for product development:
‘Clean Hands Heal’, a partnership between Yurbay and Community First Development. The core objective of the Clean Hands Heal program is to support communities so that they do not have to rely on external business and supply for sanitation products. Rather, communities can take control of their own health and hygiene through shared knowledge and capabilities.