First Nations’ enterprises contribute extensively to the Australian economy with 13,693 Australian First Nations’ businesses and corporations registered in 2022, employing 116,795 people and generating $16.1 billion dollars (Indigenous Business and Corporation Snapshot Study 2024, University of Melbourne).

In this discussion paper we propose that in ‘doing business’ Australian First Nations’ enterprises are frequently responding to the Dreams, or long-term vision and goals, of their communities. The research findings come from our Participatory Action Research project that set out to better understand and improve our approach to monitoring and evaluating community and economic development activities with nine community research partners around Australia.


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There is great potential for dialogue arising from the findings in this paper. Community First Development is aware of the scarcity of First Nations’ led research and evaluation on the cultural and social outcomes of First Nations’ entrepreneurship.

We would love to see greater discussion and opportunities to strengthen both social and economic outcomes across community ecosystems and illuminate the voices of First Nations’ CBEs.

You can be involved in two key ways:

1. Please share this paper with people in your community or organisation who may benefit or be interested in our findings.

2. If you are interested in participating in the discussion email or call us or fill out the short questionnaire below.

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